The Burpee Hour: Thoughts, Strategy, & Warmup

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Thoughts: This workout is a test of aerobic capacity and upper body, hip flexor, and core muscle endurance. The workout also comes down to your ability to create a successful game plan and stick to it. 


EMOM: We all know how to do an EMOM this one is just a bit longer than normal. Pick a number of burpees to do each minute and complete at the top of the minute; then rest the remainder. I would suggest starting very conservatively and if you find that its too easy you can always increase the reps. 

Short AMRAPS: This strategy is similar to the EMOM but with an extended time frame. Here you would give yourself a small time frame to do burpees followed by a prescribed rest period. For example 3 minutes to do as many burpees as possible followed by a 1 minute rest. I think this will allow you to spend more time working but still prevent burning out after 20 minutes.  Make sure you are still maintaining a repeatable pace during the work period; your goal should be to do the same number of burpees each time. 

Partner Style: This strategy involves at least two people. Pick a number that you and your partner will do back and forth. You go...I go format. One partner is working while the other is resting. Keep in mind this number doesn't have to be the same for both individuals. 

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By the Number: This strategy takes the time out of the equation and focuses on doing a certain number of burpees before resting. Here you will pick a number and complete those burpees followed by a defined rest period. For example you could do 20 burpees without worrying about how long it takes; followed by a 2 minute rest. Keep repeating this until you are through 60 minutes. This would be my suggestion for anyone who is just beginning CrossFit or who is nervous about this workout as it removes the pressure of hitting a certain number of reps within a time frame!

Burn it Down: Take a few scoops of preworkout, throw on your favorite tunes and see how many reps you can get in an hour! There is no strategy here except just go. This has a high  potential for glory but also for disaster so choose wisely!

Overall: PACE PACE PACE. This workout will reward the athlete who can choose the appropriate strategy and find that pace just under the redline and stick to it. Absolutely DO NOT go out too hot and try to recover mid workout! 

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5 minute cardio EASY


5-10 minutes mobility

Focus on chest, shoulders, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, feet


2 sets

8 inchworm with 3 second hold at end range

15 banded good mornings

20 plank shoulder taps

5 sets increasing effort each set

5 pushups

5 no pushup burpees

5 tuck jumps

Rest 1-2 minutes between sets

Luke Espe