12 Labours CrossFit Little Lions classes promote fundamental functional movements, while incorporating coordination, mobility, and free play. Our coaches strive to build confidence, camaraderie, good sportsmanship, teamwork, along with a healthy dose of competition while instilling a sense of independence.
First and foremost we want our Little Lions to build proper movement patterns, all while learning to enjoy fitness.
Every class begins with a Warm Up, next is a review of the daily Skill, followed by the Workout Of the Day, and our athletes/Little Lions finish strong with a Game. Our Little Lions classes begin at 9:15 and last 35-45 minutes, with ages ranging from 5- 12.
Every warm up is tailored to the skill and Workout of the Day, to help build motor patterns while incorporating coordination and mobility.
Skill movements are reviewed by coaches; providing instruction and demonstrating proper form while being a hands on sessions for the athletes to learn the skill.
Our workout of the day/WOD is different every week. We challenge our athletes with different gymnastic, strength, and body weight movements. Each WOD ranges from 6-12 minutes. Our WODs/workouts are programmed so that every child, regardless of skill level, can participate in the fun sweat session.
After all their hard work, our athletes/Little Lions get to play a Game! We understand the importance of free play and providing opportunities for our Little Lions to discover their social skills and collaborative play skills.
Our Little Lions program runs on a punchcard membership. You simply buy a 10 class punchcard for $10/class, and use them at your own speed.
Busy weekend with soccer games or prepping for the school play? No biggie, we got you covered...punchcards never expire. Having kids is hard, we want to make this piece of it simple.
Every time you take a class at 12 Labours CrossFit, you are receiving the attention, safety, and instruction that you deserve at a fitness facility such as this.
12 Labours Crossfit Annapolis, 1789 McGuckian St Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
9017 Red Branch Rd Suite A, Columbia, MD 21045