Christian Grochowski

Coach / columbia district


Christian’s Bio


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer

Member Since:

July 2021

Coaching Since:

March 2017

Favorite Movement:

DB Thrusters or Wall Balls

Favorite WOD:

CrossFit Open 15.5

Favorite Workout Gear:

Victory Grips and Liftgenie thumb tape

Born and Raised:

Durham, North Carolina

Favorite Food:

Anything from the Costco Food Court

Favorite TV Show:

La Vita e Bella


Hiking, disc golf, and mountain biking

hidden talent:

I love reading, writing, and grammar. I earned a perfect score on the Grammar/ Writing Section of the SAT...the only catch is, I took it last year to prove to my students it could be done.

Athletic Background:

High school soccer player (Most Improved '10, and yes my mom cried when this was front of the entire team) turned mediocre college intramural football star (runner-ups 2010-2014) turned CrossFitter


Favorite 12 Labours Memory

Doing 200 wall balls with Amanda, during my first Friday Night Lights at the Columbia District, as a buy-in.


CrossFit HQ

Interesting Fact

I love to bake pies. If you need a pecan pie, I'm your guy. I also love learning. When I have free time, I like to take courses on Khan Academy, Coursera, or other educational sites.

Why do I coach?

To help people see how awesome and full of potential they are.

favorite books

Charlotte's Web, The Power of One, A Wrinkle in Time, and Edgar Allan Poe's "The Murder of Rue Morgue"- if you want to get into reading, give those a shot.