Programming October 22 - 28th

Monday - October 22 


5 Rounds for Time:

15 DB Squat Cleans s(50/35) f(35/20)

12 T2B f(knee raises)

9 Burpees to Plate

***rest EXACTLY 1 minute b/t rounds***

Tuesday - October 23

“Where the Red Fern Grows”

30 Minute AMRAP

50/35 Cal Row

200ft Farmers Carry s(70/50) f(50/35)

20 Box Step Ups s(70/50) f(50/35)

20 Ring Rows

***Sport. Vest.***

Wednesday - October 24


10 Minute AMRAP

20/15 Cal AB

30 Overhead Squats s(75/55) f(45/35)

Rest 5 Minutes.

10 Minute AMRAP

20/15 Cal AB

30 Thrusters s(75/55) f(45/35)

Thursday - October 25

In 10 Minutes work to a heavy:

Hang Power Clean x 3 

“Trap City”

15 Minute AMRAP

12/9 Cal Row

Double Unders s(50) f(25)

3 Hang Power Cleans s(135/95) f(95/65)

***add 3 Hang Power Cleans each round***

Friday - October 26

“Cindy’s Pissed”

20 Minute AMRAP

7 Wall Balls s(30/20) f(20/14)

5 Pushups 

3 Strict Pullups 

***sport. vest.***

Saturday - October 27

“Double Dare”

30 Minute AMRAP - Teams of 3

100/75 Cal AB/Row ***Two People***

75 Synchro Anchored Abmat Situps ***Two People***

50 Snychro Plate Facing Burpees ***Two People***

***Each team has a rower and a bike, both machines can be working at the same time, but you cannot move on until both machines each have 100/75 Cals. Then two people will do synchro situps, while one person is resting, split it up however you want. Same thing with burpees. Woof.***

Sunday - October 28

Get Outside and be Rad


Aerobic Workout


Ski Erg Cals

Alternating Split Squats ***jumping split lunges***

Double Unders 

***If you really want to get weird and are solid at double unders, find that heavy Zeus rope and get after it.***


Part 1.

5 Sets - NFT

10 Unbroken Strict Presses @ 60%

15 Single Leg KB Deadlifts *15 each leg*

20 Hip Extensions

Part 2. 

Full Iron Scap Crossover Symmetry 

***Strict press should be able to stay unbroken***

*Split Squat Demo. Let the camo cargo shorts teach you the ways of the split squat.*


20 Minute EMOM

EVEN - HSPU/Ring Pushup/Pushup

ODD -  Bar Muscle Up/Pullup/Ring Row

***Choose your skill that you can repeat, pick a number that is 50-60% of your max and do that On the Minute. This is to build VOLUME in the skill that you have over a 20 minute period. Should not be so hard that you get to the point of failing, should be repeatable and feel good with the movement over the entire 20 minutes.