Programming October 8th - October 14th

Monday - October 8th

“The Dragon Reborn”

20 Minute AMRAP

2k Row (Buy-in)

Max Rounds of “Bergeron Beep Test”

“Bergeron Beep Test”

7 Thrusters (75/55)

7 Pullups

7 Burpees over the Bar

***No sport or fitness today, if you usually do sport, then just go faster. NO scaling up!***

Tuesday - October 9th

30 Minute EMOM

Minute 1: GHD Situps s(15) f(7)

Minute 2: 20 Split Squats

Minute 3: 25ft HS Walk f(3 Wall Runs)

Minute 4: Max Ski Erg Cals

Minute 5: Rest

Wednesday - October 10th

E90S for 8 Sets

Clean and Split Jerk x 1

***building each set***



For Time:

30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Thursday - October 11th


10-1 NFT

Back Squat s(185/125) f(135/95)

Strict Pullup s(strict C2B)

Pushups s(x3) f(x2)

Friday - October 12th

E2M for 12 Minutes

Deadlift x 6 Reps @ same weight as last week (70%)


For Time:

1 Mile Run Test

Saturday - October 13th

“The Dirty 30”

30 Minute Partner AMRAP

30 DB Thrusters s(50/35) f(35/20)

30 T2B f(anchored abmat situps)

30/20 Cal AB

***1 person working at a time***

Sunday - October 14th

Get outside and be rad.