Programming February 19th - 25th

Monday - February 19th

E90S for 10 Sets

2 Overhead Squats from rack



“Supple Leopard”

8 Minute AMRAP

10 Alternating Dumbell Snatch s(50/35) f(35/20)

50ft DB Walking Lunge 

***sport you have to squat snatch the DB snatches***


Tuesday - February 20th

“Chipper Jones”

3 Sets for time:

50/35 Cal Row

25 C2B Pullups f(pull-ups)

10 D-Ball Over the Shoulder s(100/70) f(70/50)

***rest 2 minutes b/t sets***


Wednesday - February 21st

“FOR Time Friday”

For Time:


Strict Press f(75/55) s(95/65)

Burpees over the Bar

***Sport wear a vest***


Full CrossOver Symmetry Cool Down


Thursday - February 22nd

“The Name is Fonda…Jane Fonda”

20 Minute Ladder

20/15 Cal AB

5 Hang Squat Cleans s(135/95) f(115/75)

***Sport add #10 every round, fitness add #5 each round***


Friday - February 23rd

5 Sets - Each for Time

7 Bench Presses s(165/115) f(135/95)

15 Elevated Ring Rows

Double Unders s(35/20)

***rest 2 mins b/t sets***


Athletes doing the Open Saturday:

Be easy, go light and just move. Spend some time after the workout stretching out your hip flexors, and rolling out. Should be loosening up your T-Spine, lower back, etc. Play around with dumbell clean and jerks, building rhythm, sticking to the standard, and getting used to a new movement. 

I will post up warmup ideas and workout strategy for 18.1 tomorrow.


Saturday - February 24th

Open WOD 18.1


Sunday - February 25th

Get Outside and be Rad.