Programming March 12 - 18th

Monday - March 12th

“Back to the Future”

7 Sets - 2 Minute AMRAP

5 Deadlifts s(225/155) f(185/125)

5 HSPU s(strict)

5 Box Jump Overs s(30/24) f(24/20)

***rest 2 minutes b/t sets***


Tuesday - March 13th


2 Sets - Each for Time

2K Row

50 Wall Balls Rx+(30/20) Rx(20/14)

Double Unders Rx+(100) Rx(50)

***rest 5 mins b/t sets***


Wednesday - March 14th

In 15 Minutes work up to heavy:

Clean and Jerk


For Time:

30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)


Thursday - March 15th


20 Minute AMRAP

12/9 AB

3 T2B f(knee raises)

12/9 AB

3 C2B f(pullup)

***add 3 reps to T2B and C2B every round***


Friday - March 16th

"Looks Simple...This Should Be Fine"

25 Minute Flow or AMRAP

20/15 Cal AB

20 Abmat Situps

20/15 Cal Row

20 Air Squats


Saturday - March 17th

Open WOD 18.4 @ Annapolis District


Tenative. This always depends on the workout, so keep up to date on Thursday night and Friday morning to get confirmation of what location we will be throwing down at!


Sunday - March 18h

Get Outside and be Rad.