Programming May 28th - June 3rd

Monday - May 28th


Columbia at 10am for Memorial Day Murph



For Time:

1 Mile Run

100 Pullups

200 Pushups

300 Air Squats

1 Mile Run


Tuesday - May 29th

“Post Murph Feels”


AB Cals

Row Cals

Anchored Abmat Situps


Wednesday - May 30th

In 15 Minutes find a heavy:

1 Rep Thruster from Rack


“Pukie the Clown”

3 Rounds for TIme:

21 Cal AB

15 C2B Pullups f(pull-ups)

9 Thrusters s(135/95) f(115/75)


Thursday - May 31st


5 Rounds for Time:

20/15 Cal Row

20 Alternating DB Snatch s(50/35) f(35/20)

Double Unders s(50) f(25)

***rest exactly 2 minutes b/t sets***


Friday - June 1st

"Enzi? He Gone."

For Time:

100 Bench Presses s(135/95) f(115/75)

***every time you rack it, run a 400m***


Saturday - June 2nd

“Ed, Edd, and Eddy”

25 Minute AMRAP - Teams of 3

15 D-Ball Over the Shoulder s(100/70) f(70/50)

30 Synchro Air Squats ***all 3***

30/20 Cal AB/Rower

***If you want to get weird, use the 150/100 D-Ball***


Sunday - June 3rd

Get Outside and be Rad.

Luke Espe