Programming September 23rd- September 29th

Open Workout 15.3
14 minute AMRAP
7 Ring muscleups f(pullups)
50 wallballs s(20/14) f(14/10)
100 double unders f(50 double unders)

10 minute AMRAP
3 DB squat clean s(50/35) f(35/20)
3 burpee to plate
20/15 cal row
6 DB Squat clean
6 burpee to plate
20/15 cal row
9 DB squat clean
9 burpee to plate
20/15 cal row
*squat cleans and burpees increase by 3*

Rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP
3 HSPU f(pushups)
3 burpee to plate
20/15 cal ski
6 burpee to plate
20/15 cal ski
9 burpee to plate
20/15 cal ski
*hspu and burpees increase by 3*

6 sets each for time:
Run 50m down
Run 50m back
Prowler High bar 20m s(90/50) f(50/20)
Prowler Low Bar 20m s(90/50) f(50/20)
Run 50m down
Run 50m back

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

1 minute max cal bike 
30 second rest
1 minute max Dball Surrender s(100/70) f(70/50)
30 second rest
1 minute max Ring Rows s(elevated) f(floor)
30 second rest
x 5 sets

6 down to 1
3 Position Power Snatch
Strict Toes to Rings x 2

**Accumulate 30 seconds L sit hold between each round **

For time:
Lunge 400m
**every 100m stop and complete:**
3 rounds of
5 burpees
10 pushups
15 air squats        

*sport wears a vest*      

Get outside and be Rad

Join us for Yoga at the following locations/times
Annapolis District 9:30 AM
Columbia District 9:00 AM


Power Clean
3 x 3 sets at 98% of 3RM— NOT touch and go

Power Snatch
3 x 3 sets at 98% of 3RM— NOT touch and go

3 sets of each at 80% of max from Test week
Strict Pullups
Toes to bar
Kipping or Strict Handstand Pushups

*Do all three sets of one movement before moving to the next. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Rest as needed between movements*

500m row at 5k pace
Rest 1:30
x 12 sets

Luke Espe