Programming August 27th - Sept 2nd

Monday - August 27th

In 10 Minutes work to a heavy:

3 Rep Strict Pullup


“Rowdy Roddy Piper”

3 Rounds for Time:

50/35 Cal Row

100 Double Unders f(50)

10 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups f(Burpee Pullup)


Tuesday - August 28th


Power Clean and Push Jerk


***must hit 2 sets in a row before adding weight***


“Rick Flair”

For Time:

100/75 Cal AB or Ski

***EMOM 3 D-Ball over the Shoulder s(100/70) f(70/50)***

***first minute is FREE, no D-Ball***

***15 Minute Cap***


Wednesday - August 29th

In 12 Minutes work to a heavy:

10 Rep Reverse Lunge 

“Triple H”


Wall Balls s(30/20) f(20/14)

T2B f(Knees to Elbows)


Thursday - August 30th

“Randy Savage”

25 Minute AMRAP

15/12 Cal Row

1 Rope Climb s(legless)

1 Manmaker s(50/35) f(35/20)

***add 1 manmaker each round***


Friday - August 31st

“Diamond Dallas Page”

20 Minute FLOW

7 Bench Press s(185/125) f(135/95)

10 Anchored Abmat Situps

15/12 Cal AB

***add 10 Situps each round***


Saturday - September 1st


25 Minute AMRAP - Teams of 3

15 Synchro Burpee Over Row ***2 people***

20/15 Cal Row

30 HSPU f(seated DB Press)

***D-ball is held entire time s(100/70) f(70/50)***

***If D-Ball is dropped, entire team runs a 200m***


Sunday - September 2nd

Get Outside and be Rad.