As the Open comes to a close, the 12 Labours Community we will be shifting into a new strength cycle that will start Monday, April 5th. We will focus on strength development and olympic lifting complexes. Take a look at the structure below and let’s look to get stronger together!
We will be completing both movements each day.
Sport will be following a program that is percentage based.
Fitness will be following a program that is based off of feel and previous working weights.
Couplets, triplets, and chippers which are the cornerstone of CrossFit.
Look for a wide variety of elements to be included on these days.
These days will be used to build strength and confidence in the olympic lifts.
Expect to be holding onto the bar for multiple reps for each set.
As always technique will be prioritized but continue to push the boundaries of your capabilities.
This will be our low key day of the week which will include structural work such as strict pull-ups, Turkish getups, or ring rows. It will also include cardio on one or more machines.
This will be a great opportunity for a flow day so you can go hard for the rest of the week.
Couplets, triplets, and chippers which are the cornerstone of CrossFit.
Look for a wide variety of elements to be included on these days.
These workouts will also be on the harder side to end the week with a tough session.
9:30AM Yoga at both districts
CrossFit is meant for all levels of fitness, and our universally scalable model is built for you.
12 Labours Crossfit Annapolis, 1789 McGuckian St Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
9017 Red Branch Rd Suite A, Columbia, MD 21045