Luke Espe

founder & co-owner


Luke's Bio

Member Since:

Opened CrossFit Syndicate in June of 2012, Annapolis 2010

Coaching Since:

Started coaching at CrossFit BWI in 2009. Coached at CrossFit South Baltimore, CrossFit Annapolis and SEYA CrossFit as well. 

Favorite Movement:

Love/Hate relationship with the Dumbbell Squat Clean 

Favorite WOD:

Anything that was just atrocious at FNL

Favorite Workout Gear:

Goat Tape for the thumbs and I’m good to go 

Born and Raised:

Johnstown, PA

Favorite Food:

Ledos pepperoni pizza with an unforgivable amount of parmesan cheese

Favorite TV Show:

All time probably GOT. Currently Cobra Kai! #justice4johnny and Yellowstone

Favorite movie:

3 way tie between Robin Hood Prince of Thieves(love Kostner) Armageddon and Conan the Barbarian 


Working out, shooting, playing with my pups, reading and spending time with my honey 

Athletic Background:

Football, Basketball and Track in high school. Football in college. Lots of CrossFit after college 


Favorite 12 Labours Memory

Honestly these are endless for me. Every memory usually comes back to seeing the look on someone’s face when they accomplish something they couldn’t do before. 


Gym Owner, MACC Founder and Soldier  

Why do I coach?

Whew...I could write a book on this topic but I’ll keep it short. I think the gym offers so much to the growth and development of a human being that is missing in the world today. You’re putting yourself out there to learn new things every day, to work through adversity, to compete with others or yourself, and to continually drive to better. People get more fit, but more importantly they become a tougher human. Other things in life become easier and people start to apply those attributes to other parts of life. That’s the most rewarding thing to see as a coach, is just the transformation of the person as a whole.

Why did you open a gym?

I wanted to do things differently. I enjoyed coaching, but also wanted to provide a space for coaches and clients to express themselves that wasn’t a cookie cutter experience. To build an environment where it allowed a feeling of comfort and acceptance for everyone’s weirdness. I’m a weirdo just like everyone else and really saw an opportunity to let that weirdness shine by supporting each and every clients goals and desires. Some people want to look better, some just want to pick up something heavy, and a million other types of goals. All that shit was good with me, and wanted to be able to offer a place where I could guide them in an intelligent direction to reach those goals while providing a fun and exciting environment to do so.