Now that our strength cycle has finished the 12 Labours Community will be moving towards building our aerobic base and applying it to CrossFit workouts. There will still be some strength work integrated so we don’t lose our gainz. This should be a fun and challenging cycle for everyone!
Take a look below at our 5 categories of Fitness that will be incorporated during the week. We will incorporate alternating every other week to accommodate the 12 Labours Community.
Tempo Front Squats or Overhead Squats
We will be introducing a new strength training principle in the form of tempo. Tempo work is a great way to get stronger, break through plateaus, and focus on mechanics.
Concept 2 Machine Intervals: We will also be doing interval work on your choice of rower or ski erg. Our focus will be on improving our aerobic power and learning how to pace effectively for CrossFit workouts
Classic CrossFit Workout
Couplets, triplets, and chippers which are the cornerstone of CrossFit. Look for a wide variety of elements to be included on these days.
Grunt Work:
These days will be used to build full body strength with odd objects. We will be utilizing DBalls, kettlebells, prowlers and other equipment. You can expect these workouts to be longer and very challenging.
Gymnastics Progressions & Accessories
We will continue to work on strength and skills in our gymnastics movements. These will be combined with other accessory work to keep joints healthy and support our other high skill movements.
12 Labours Testers
Its summer which means it’s time to bring back the 12 Labours Testers for the 3rd year. You will be able to compare your scores to the previous years as well as see how you stack up on the leaderboard across both districts.
Click HERE to view the 12 Labours Testers.
Tempo Front Squats or Overhead Squats
Concept 2 Machine Intervals
Classic CrossFit workout
Grunt work
Gymnastics Progressions & Accessories
12 Labours Testers
Partner workouts
Get outside and be rad!
Classic CrossFit workout
Tempo Front Squats or Overhead Squats
Concept 2 Machine Intervals
Gymnastics Progressions & Accessories
Grunt work
12 Labours Testers
Partner workouts
Get outside and be rad!
CrossFit is meant for all levels of fitness, and our universally scalable model is built for you.
12 Labours Crossfit Annapolis, 1789 McGuckian St Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
9017 Red Branch Rd Suite A, Columbia, MD 21045