Olympic Weightlifting - Part 1

Luke Espe • September 7, 2022
A man is lifting a barbell over his head.

Olympic Weightlifting - Part 1

We are moving into a 6-week cycle to close out the summer that will include a focus of olympic lifting twice per week.  Olympic lifts are a valuable skill to have in CrossFit and just by refining our technique we can become more efficient in metcons and lift heavier overall.  Additionally, we will take advantage of the last days of summer by getting outside weekly to enjoy the weather as the temperatures start to drop. 


Focus will be on building to a heavy load on a barbell complex that will include variations of cleans (power, squat, hang, etc). The goal is going heavy while maintaining proper form. This will be followed by a power-based piece that will feature explosive movements and/or near max effort machine work.


Contrary to the clean strength day, the main focus here will be on perfecting technique in the low to moderate weight range. Workouts will include specific sets and reps of snatch movement patterns at suggested percentage loads based on a 1RM snatch. This will be followed by a metcon that will include variations of snatch so athletes can practice their technique work in action.


1) Dial in olympic lifting techniques.

2) Maintain conditioning and enjoy the last days of summer.

*We'll follow this up with another 6-week Olympic cycle where it will reverse to be Snatch Strength and Clean Skills.  Probably slight variations to other days as well.  That should take us through the end of November.

Here's what a typical week will look like (days will vary):

Day 1 – Clean Strength (building complexes) + Power Output

Day 2 – Snatch Skill (percentage work) + Metcon

Day 3 – Long (Low Skill)

Day 4 – CrossFit Intervals

Day 5 – Lift/Skill + Metcon

Day 6 – Partner WOD

Day 7 – Rest


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