Summer Strength & Skills


Programming Outlook: Summer Strength & Skills

Now that we’ve moved past the CrossFit Open and are in “off season”, we have a great opportunity to focus on some areas of fitness that are sometimes overlooked (strict strength and gymnastics).  This is our favorite time of the year and by focusing on just a few movements each cycle we will be able to train with intention.  Each week will include a wide variety of complimentary exercises, metcons, and intensity levels to produce a well-rounded fitness program for everyone.  We will run back-to-back 8-week cycles with a short deload week in-between to take us through summer. 

Our main goal is to get strong, stay fit, and move well. More importantly, we want to have fun and feel good.

Here’s what a typical week will look like for each cycle:

Day 1 – Strength 1 + WOD

Day 2 – Strength 2 + WOD

Day 3 – Gymnastic Skill + WOD

Day 4 – Long CF and/or flow option

Day 5 – Lift or Skill + Classic CF WOD

Day 6 – Partner WOD

Day 7 – Rest

Cycle 1 Focuses (April-May 2022)

Horizontal push/pull (bench press + varied pulling methods)

4 weeks of high rep paused bench press + 4 weeks of bench press heavy progression. 

Each session will focus on technique and full range of motion.  Pushing and pulling will be done in supersets.

Squatting (Back Squat)

4 weeks of high rep paused back squat + 4 weeks of squat heavy progression. 

Each session will focus on technique and full range of motion.

Gymnastics skill (Handstand progressions)

8 weeks of pre-programmed handstand progressions (Scaled and Rx options). 

The goal is to get further each week for the progression you choose. 

Luke Espe