Where are we headed next coach?
A key focus for the next 6-8 weeks will be focused around preparing for the CrossFit Open. It is a three week competition that brings the entire CrossFit Community together from all over the world. As the largest participatory sporting event, we embark on this movement together at 12 Labours CrossFit. More information to come regarding the CrossFit Open.
There will be more emphasis placed on refining skills and building confidence in workouts that test your work capacity. The following themes will be incorporated in your programming outlook at 12 Labours CrossFit. Let the training begin!
Open Prep
These workouts will be the cornerstone of our weeks. Each workout will be some combination of movements that will be likely to show up in the Open. We will even retest old workouts that have come up in the past. This will provide you with an opportunity to test out strategies and game plans for the upcoming Open workouts.
Strength & Metcon
Strength piece with a structured time frame followed by a short metcon; 6-10 minutes based on the strength movement. This will be a great day to include shorter classic CrossFit benchmark workouts after some strength work.
EMOM - Flow Work
Longer EMOM's or AMRAP's that focus on joint health and stability (shoulder, hips, knees). This is the opportunity for athletes to slow down and flow during the week so they have the ability to attend class all week. There will still be opportunities for athletes to still push the intensity in this format if desired. It will be important to watch the coaching instruction video to understand the focus of each day as it will change based on the rest of the week.
Engine & Bodyweight
Longer (20+ minute) workouts to start building engine capacity. These days will be low skill and include machines, bodyweight movement, kettlebells, and dumbbells.
Skill Progression
Higher skill days where the focus is on accumulating repetition of new skills or improving skills they already have. These skills can include gymnastics, double unders, barbell work, etc. This is another day where it will be important to watch the coaching instruction video in order to explain the emphasis of the workout.
CrossFit is meant for all levels of fitness, and our universally scalable model is built for you.
12 Labours Crossfit Annapolis, 1789 McGuckian St Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
9017 Red Branch Rd Suite A, Columbia, MD 21045