Now that we’ve moved past the CrossFit Open and are in “off season”, we have a great opportunity to focus on some areas of fitness that are sometimes overlooked (strict strength and gymnastics). This is our favorite time of the year and by focusing on just a few movements each cycle we will be able to train with intention. Each week will include a wide variety of complimentary exercises, metcons, and intensity levels to produce a well-rounded fitness program for everyone. We will run back-to-back 8-week cycles with a short deload week in-between to take us through summer.
Our main goal is to get strong, stay fit, and move well. More importantly, we want to have fun and feel good.
Day 1 – Strength 1 + WOD
Day 2 – Strength 2 + WOD
Day 3 – Gymnastic Skill + WOD
Day 4 – Long CF and/or flow option
Day 5 – Lift or Skill + Classic CF WOD
Day 6 – Partner WOD
Day 7 – Rest
Horizontal push/pull (bench press + varied pulling methods)
4 weeks of high rep paused bench press + 4 weeks of bench press heavy progression.
Each session will focus on technique and full range of motion. Pushing and pulling will be done in supersets.
Squatting (Back Squat)
4 weeks of high rep paused back squat + 4 weeks of squat heavy progression.
Each session will focus on technique and full range of motion.
Gymnastics skill (Handstand progressions)
8 weeks of pre-programmed handstand progressions (Scaled and Rx options).
The goal is to get further each week for the progression you choose.
CrossFit is meant for all levels of fitness, and our universally scalable model is built for you.
12 Labours Crossfit Annapolis, 1789 McGuckian St Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
9017 Red Branch Rd Suite A, Columbia, MD 21045