Summer Strength Focus


Summer Strength Focus

We're going to keep the momentum going and run through another eight-week strength cycle.  This time we'll change things up and shift focus from horizontal to vertical push/pulling and then from squatting to hinging.  We're also going to add an additional longer style WOD each week to make sure conditioning and skills continue to improve with strength.  As always, each week will still include a wide variety of complimentary exercises, metcons, and intensity levels to produce a well-rounded fitness program for 12 Labours members.

Summer Cycle 1 Strength Focuses (June-July 2022):

Vertical push/pull (strict press + strict pullup)

4 weeks of high-rep paused strict press and tempo strict pullup + 4 weeks of heavy/weighted strict press/pullup progressions.  Each session will focus on technique and full range of motion.  Pushing and pulling will be done in supersets.

Hinging (Deadlift)

4 weeks of high-rep paused romanian deadlift + 4 weeks of heavy deadlift progression.  Each session will focus on technique and full range of motion.

What are the main goals of this cycle?

  • Swole is the goal, size is the prize!

  • Increase endurance and move well.

Here’s what a typical week will look like through July:

Day 1 – Strength 1 + WOD

Day 2 – Strength 2 + WOD

Day 3 – Long CF intervals

Day 4 – Long CF and/or flow option

Day 5 – Lift or Skill + Classic CF WOD

Day 6 – Partner WOD

Day 7 – Rest

Luke Espe