The next 12 Labours Specialty Class, Hyrox, will begin the Week of January 6 when it will be back on the schedule twice a week at both home districts! We are starting this specialty program 12 weeks out from Hyrox D.C., so it will be the perfect way to train for that race, in addition to improving your engine for any other fitness endeavor.
12 Week Program Dates
Start Date: Week of 1/6
End Date: Week of 3/24
Annapolis District
Tuesdays at 5:30PM - Coach Mel
Thursdays at 5:30PM - Coach Mel
Columbia District
Mondays at 5:30PM - Coach Paul E.
Fridays at 6:30PM - Coach Paul E.
Hyrox is included in your 12 Labours membership and all you need to do is reserve your spot in Wodify like any other class. There will be no Open Gym during Hyrox classes.
Hyrox Methodology
Do you feel like you only have one speed in your workouts? Maybe you feel unsure about how to approach different WOD’s in order to get the most out of them? Endure x Hyrox will help you understand how to meet the demands of different lengths and styles of workouts and how to best sustain your energy throughout your efforts. It will teach you how to tap into and utilize the different “gears” of your engine so that you can endure.
Expect to see running, machines, and technically simple movements with your bodyweight, kettlebells, dumbbells, and sleds- all with the intent of keeping you moving and increasing your aerobic capacity. Check out two sample days of Endure x Hyrox programming below.
Sample Programming
Day 1
For time:
800-400-200m Run
Alt DB Snatch
Goblet Squat
Goblet Lunge
50ft or 12.5m Sled Push after each round
Day 2
5 Rounds:
400m Run
400m Run
2 Mins Rest
Round 1: 500m row
Round 2: 30 Burpee Broad Jumps
Round 3: 200m Farmer Carry (53/35 x 2)
Round 4: 50 Sandbag Lunge (20/10kg)
Round 5: 50 Wall Balls (14/10)
Hyrox Race Voucher
As a Hyrox affiliate, 12L members may apply a discount code to sign up for a Hyrox race. There are still sign ups available in limited divisions for Hyrox D.C., so you use the codes below to snag your spot! It is important to sign up soon because this event will sell out. The "voucher" should be redeemed as soon as you add the tickets into your cart otherwise it doesn't work at the end of check out.
Annapolis Code: 12LABOURSCFA-15
Columbia Code: 12LABOURSCFC-15